Wednesday - Conference Day 1
The first full day of the conference.
The day started with two keynote speakers and the poster displays.
The keynote speeches are always linked to the theme of the conference. This year the conference theme is sustainable development and links to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The first keynote was from Professor John Siraj-Blatchford and he spoke about - From global ESD policy to practice: Research progress and paradigms. The second keynote was from Professor Ingred Pramling Samuelsson, and she spoke about - From global ESD policy to practice: The contribution of play responsive pedagogy.
The poster sessions are always busy, but it is so interesting to see the range of research that is taking place around the work and having a change to speak to a lot of researchers. This year, one of my colleagues was involved in the development of one of the posters, so I made a point of finding her poster and sending her a photo as she was unable to attend.
After a really lovely lunch in the Corn Exchange within the Brighton Dome, it was time for the symposiums to start!
There were three symposium sets during the afternoon. The hardest part of any conference is identifying the symposiums that you want to attend. During the afternoon, I attended symposiums about:
- Diversities of gender, language and culture in ECEC
- Children's perspectives on their male and female teachers
- Early Childhood Education for Sustainabilty,
The presentations that were part of these symposiums gave me a lot to think about. In particular the presentations within the symposium which focused on children's perspectives, not only included some key points to think about regarding the children's views, but also some ideas for methods that I could use in future research.